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GXO announces new transport partnership with Matalan
London, UK | Říjen 16, 2024
GXO to become Matalan’s strategic transport partner, responsible for over 550 weekly deliveries to over 200 Matalan stores across the UK&I
Nové partnerství pomůže optimalizovat dopravní síť společnosti Matalan, podpoří efektivitu jejího dodavatelského řetězce a závazek zajišťovat dodávky pro zákazníky
GXO Logistics, Inc. (NYSE: GXO), the world’s largest pure play contract logistics provider and one of the U.K. and Ireland’s leading logistics and transportation partners, today announced a new transport delivery agreement with Matalan, the leading fashion and homeware value retailer, to run its transport delivery operations in the UK and Ireland.
As part of a new three-year agreement, GXO will provide transport delivery operations for over 200 Matalan stores on high streets and in retail parks across the UK and Ireland. GXO will be a strategic partner to Matalan, helping to drive efficiencies across the retailer’s supply chain and ensuring that Matalan continues to deliver a seamless shopping experience for customers.
“We’re delighted to be chosen by Matalan to provide transport services, including up-stream and final mile deliveries,” said Richard Ball, Director of Shared Transport networks at GXO. “By partnering with us for their transport operations, we’ll be able to provide Matalan with best-in-class expertise and technical solutions freeing them to focus on creating amazing fashion and home products for their customers.
“Our priority is to help further streamline the supply chain and drive efficiencies in the operation and we’re excited with some of the plans we already have in place to bring innovative solutions to help Matalan’s growth. Utilising our vast experience and transport network, we can remove any unnecessary miles whilst regularly delivering to Matalan stores, utilising our shared transport network.”
In the new partnership, GXO will make over 550 deliveries to Matalan’s stores each week. This service will be delivered by 100 GXO drivers across a fleet of 55 HGVs and 110 trailers.
Drivers will be specially trained by GXO on their core values, prioritising safety and focusing on eco driving techniques that help reduce emissions and make for a cleaner transport function.
Matalan’s Chief Supply Officer, Phil Hackney, added: “We’re committed to going above and beyond for our Matalan customers, and in order to do that we need a strong transport network and smooth supply chain operations. As a proud omnichannel retailer, we’re excited to leverage GXO’s technology and supply chain expertise to ensure that we’re offering our customers a wide range of stylish products and a hassle free-shopping experience every time they visit us in-store.”
O společnosti GXO Logistics
Společnost GXO Logistics, Inc. (NYSE: GXO) je největším světovým poskytovatelem smluvní logistiky a těží z rychlého růstu elektronického obchodování, automatizace a outsourcingu. Společnost GXO se zavázala poskytovat rozmanité pracoviště světové úrovně pro více než 130 000 členů týmu ve více než 970 zařízeních o celkové rozloze přibližně 200 milionů čtverečních stop. Společnost spolupracuje s předními světovými společnostmi na řešení složitých logistických výzev pomocí technologicky vyspělých řešení dodavatelského řetězce a elektronického obchodování, a to ve velkém měřítku a rychle. Sídlo společnosti GXO je v Greenwichi, Connecticut, USA. Pro více informací navštivte GXO.com , kde najdete další informace, a spojte se se společností GXO na sociálních sítích LinkedIn, X, Facebook, Instagram a YouTube.
About Matalan
Matalan is a leading UK and international fashion and homeware retailer, with a mission to be the first choice for outstanding family value. With a large store network in excess of 280 UK and international stores and integrated e-commerce platform, Matalan is a trusted brand which puts its customer at the heart of its business and delivers unrivalled product choice and exceptional style and quality to 11 million loyal shoppers every year. Matalan is famously committed to offering a compelling value focused fashion and home offering, that continues to help millions of UK household budgets go further.