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GXO named One of America’s ‘Most Responsible’ Companies for second consecutive year by Newsweek Magazine

Greenwich, USA  |  décembre 07, 2023

GXO Logistics, Inc. (NYSE: GXO), the world’s largest pure-play contract logistics provider, announced today that it has been named one of America’s Most Responsible Companies by Newsweek magazine for the second consecutive year. Each year, Newsweek uses quantitative data collected by Statista to evaluate top U.S. companies on criteria such as commitment to ESG and reputation for corporate responsibility.

“We’re proud to receive this recognition from Newsweek for the second straight year since becoming a standalone company in 2021,” said Malcolm Wilson, CEO of GXO. “Everything we do at GXO is guided by the values-based culture we have cultivated throughout our organization, and our 130,000 global team members understand that being an industry leader means always doing the right thing for our customers and for each other. We have worked tirelessly to be an employer of choice and to create a positive impact for our stakeholders and our planet. This recognition is a strong validation that we are meeting our own high standard for doing business the right way.”

GXO’s annual rapport ESG de GXO presents the company’s commitment to environmental, social and governance principles and performance as well as how it is helping its customers achieve their own ESG goals, providing data and case studies to illustrate its progress. GXO is developing innovative solutions and harnessing advanced technology to improve performance while enhancing employee safety and engagement and minimizing the environmental impact of its operations. It is also working closely with organizations to recruit military veterans and people with disabilities to become members of its diverse and inclusive team.

A propos de GXO Logistics

GXO logistics, Inc. (NYSE : GXO) est le plus grand prestataire pure-player de logistique contractuelle au monde et bénéficie de la croissance rapide du e-commerce et de l'automatisation. GXO s'engage à fournir un environnement de travail diversifié de niveau international à ses 130 000 collaborateurs répartis sur 970 sites totalisant une surface d’environ 18,5 millions de mètres carrés d’entreposage. L'entreprise collabore avec des clients d’envergure internationale pour relever des défis logistiques complexes grâce à des solutions technologiquement avancées et des solutions pour le e-commerce. Le siège social de GXO est situé à Greenwich, dans le Connecticut, aux États-Unis. Rendez-vous sur pour plus d’informations, et suivez GXO sur LinkedIn, X, Facebook, Instagram et YouTube.