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GXO and Forum Sport launch new partnership in Spain

Madrid, Spain  |  octombrie 01, 2024

Forum Sport

GXO will manage two logistics centers in Vitoria of nearly 20,000 square meters, strengthening its footprint in the North of Spain

GXO’s use of automation will play a crucial role in optimizing Forum Sport’s logistics operations

GXO Logistics, Inc. (NYSE: GXO), the world’s largest pure-play contract logistics provider, announced a new strategic partnership with Forum Sport, a leader in the distribution of sports equipment. GXO will handle B2B and B2C order preparation and distribution, returns and other value-added activities from two warehouses located in Vitoria and Basauri, North of Spain.

GXO’s advanced technology will play a crucial role in optimizing these operations. GXO’s expertise in automated systems, including the Automated Storage and Retrieval System (ASRS), will ensure efficient and accurate warehouse management, significantly improving productivity and customer satisfaction. 

“We are delighted to initiate this partnership with Forum Sport, a company that shares our vision of innovation and excellence,” said Rui Marques, GXO’s Managing Director in Spain and Portugal. “This agreement strengthens our presence in the North of Spain while enabling us to demonstrate our technological and operational capabilities managing highly automated warehouses as well as our industry leadership in the sports equipment sector.” 

“We are very excited about this strategic partnership with GXO Logistics,” said Diego Llorente Gómez, CEO of Forum Sport. “This agreement not only represents a significant step in improving our supply chain, but also reinforces our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction. GXO is an ideal partner for us due to their use of technology in their processes and expertise in logistics management. We firmly believe that this alliance will allow us to optimize our operations and focus on delivering high quality sporting goods to our customers, while relying on a trusted partner to manage our logistics operations with efficiency and precision.”

“In addition, GXO’s integration of advanced technologies and automated processes provides us with an invaluable opportunity to learn and continuously improve. This collaboration will allow us to adopt best practices in operational efficiency, resulting in a more robust and agile supply chain. GXO also shares our commitment to sustainability, implementing environmentally friendly practices in its operations. Together, we will work to reduce our carbon footprint and promote more sustainable logistics, aligning ourselves with the values of environmental responsibility that Forum Sport upholds.”

“Ultimately, this strategic partnership with GXO will not only drive our growth and operational efficiency, but also strengthen our commitment to innovation, customer satisfaction and environmental sustainability,” added Diego Llorente Gómez.

As the global sports industry continues to thrive, with revenues in the e-commerce market for sporting goods reaching about 42.3 billion euros in 2023 (RetailX, 2024), the demand for advanced logistics solutions is reaching unprecedented heights. GXO is leading the charge in this transformative journey with tailored and technology-enabled logistics solutions for over 30 brands in the sports sector worldwide.

About GXO in Spain

GXO, principalul furnizor de logistică pentru comerțul electronic din Spania, are o prezență puternică în țară de mai bine de un deceniu și deține 50 de centre de distribuție în Spania și Portugalia. GXO gestionează logistica pentru clienți importanți din diverse sectoare, cum ar fi comerțul electronic și cu amănuntul, textile, alimente și băuturi, automobile și tehnologie. GXO are cea mai mare amprentă logistică din Spania, totalizând 1,5 milioane de metri pătrați, și operează cel mai mare centru de distribuție din acest sector din Europa, un depozit de aproape 200.000 de metri pătrați, situat în Guadalajara. La 31 decembrie 2023, compania avea peste 8.500 de angajați, fiind cel mai mare angajator din domeniul logisticii din Spania. GXO a fost recunoscută de Forbes drept una dintre cele mai bune 100 de companii pentru care să lucrezi în Spania timp de cinci ani consecutivi.

Despre GXO Logistics 

GXO logistics, Inc (NYSE: GXO) este cel mai mare furnizor de logistică contractuală din lume, beneficiind de creșterea rapidă a comerțului electronic, automatizării și externalizării. GXO se angajează să ofere un mediu de lucru divers, de clasă mondială, pentru cei 130 000 de angajați din 970 de locații cu aproximativ 18,5 milioane de metri pătrați de spațiu de depozitare. Compania colaborează cu clienți globali pentru a rezolva provocări logistice complexe prin soluții avansate din punct de vedere tehnologic și soluții de comerț electronic pe scară largă, cu implementare rapidă. GXO are sediul central în Greenwich, Connecticut, SUA. Vizitați pentru mai multe informații și urmăriți GXO pe LinkedIn, X, Facebook, Instagram  si  YouTube

About Forum Sport

Forum Sport has 30 years of experience in the specialized sale of sports equipment and is present in 11 autonomous communities with a total of 48 stores (one franchised), 2 outlets and an online store ( in addition to the 17 Dooers stores dedicated to the sale of sneaker footwear and its online store La sociedad cuenta con la participación del Grupo Eroski, líder en su sector, que con su experiencia, solidez empresarial y valores sociales aporta a este proyecto el conocimiento y respaldo necesario para afrontar con garantías los retos de futuro. El accionariado se completa con los propios trabajadores de Forum Sport. A través de la sociedad GESPAFORUM participan en la gestión de la empresa.

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