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GXO hosts Investor Day, outlines 2027 financial targets

Greenwich, USA  |  ianuarie 12, 2023

In connection with the event, GXO announces estimated full year 2022 financial results and preliminary 2023 guidance

GXO Logistics, Inc. (NYSE: GXO), the world’s largest pure-play contract logistics provider, will host its first Investor Day today since becoming a publicly traded company on August 2, 2021. The event includes a presentation of the company’s detailed strategic plan to deliver its 2027 financial targets by members of executive management.

Malcolm Wilson, Chief Executive Officer of GXO, said, “In the 18 months since becoming a publicly traded company, we have expanded our roster of the world’s most respected brands and demonstrated the tremendous value a scaled, pure-play contract logistics provider can deliver. Today, we look forward to discussing the critical role we play within global supply chains, the market forces propelling our exceptional revenue growth to $17 billion and our plan to nearly triple adjusted EBITDA between 2021 and 2027. GXO’s key advantages – our technology, global scale and expertise – make us uniquely positioned to continue delivering outstanding performance and value to customers and shareholders.”

GXO’s 2027 Financial Targets

  • 8-12% organic revenue CAGR1,2 (2021 to 2027) to approximately $17 billion revenue;
  • Approximately 17% Adjusted EBITDA1,3 CAGR to approximately $1.6 billion, nearly tripling Adjusted EBITDA1 from 2021;
  • More than 30% free cash flow conversion rate on Adjusted EBITDA1;
  • Cumulative free cash flow1 generation of approximately $2 billion between 2021 and 2027; and
  • More than 30% operating return on invested capital1.

Estimated Full Year 2022 Results

The company’s results of operations for the year ended December 31, 2022 are preliminary, unaudited and remain subject to change. Based on information available as of January 11, 2023, the company currently estimates that, for the year ended December 31, 2022, it expects to report:

  • Total revenue of $9.0 billion, compared to total revenue of $7.9 billion for the year ended December 31, 2021;
  • Net income attributable to GXO of $189 million to $199 million, compared to net income attributable to GXO of $153 million and pro forma net income attributable to GXO of $162 million for the year ended December 31, 2021; and
  • Adjusted EBITDA1 of $720 million to $730 million, compared to Adjusted EBITDA1 of $611 million and pro forma Adjusted EBITDA1 of $633 million for the year ended December 31, 2021.

Preliminary 2023 Guidance

The company’s full-year 2023 financial outlook is as follows:

  • Organic revenue1 growth of 6% to 8%; and
  • Adjusted EBITDA1 of $700 million to $730 million.

GXO Investor Day presentation materials are available on GXO’s Investor Relations website at A replay of the presentation will be posted following the live event at

Despre GXO Logistics

GXO Logistics, Inc. (NYSE: GXO) este cel mai mare furnizor de logistică contractuală din lume și beneficiază de creșterea rapidă a comerțului electronic, automatizării și externalizării. GXO se angajează să ofere un loc de muncă divers, de clasă mondială, pentru mai mult de 130.000 de membri ai echipei din mai mult de 970 de facilități care însumează aproximativ 18.5 milioane de metri pătrați. Compania colaborează cu cele mai importante companii blue-chip din lume pentru a rezolva provocări logistice complexe cu soluții tehnologice avansate pentru lanțul de aprovizionare și comerțul electronic, la scară largă și cu viteză. Sediul companiei GXO se află în Greenwich, Connecticut, SUA. VizitațiGXO.compentru mai multe informatii si conectati-va GXO pe LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram și YouTube.

Persoane de contact

Contacte media

Matthew Schmidt

+1 (203) 307-2809

[email protected]

GXO Investor Day 2027 Table