Comunicat de presă
GXO’s state-of-the-art Dormagen site at full capacity
DORMAGEN, Germany | octombrie 30, 2024

- Liderul din industrie își continuă planul multianual de extindere semnificativă a operațiunilor sale în Germania, cea mai mare piață de logistică din Europa
- Customers include prominent industry leaders in aerospace, food & beverage and consumer goods
GXO Logistics, Inc. (NYSE: GXO), the world’s largest pure-play contract logistics provider, today announced its state-of-the-art 36,000 square meter multi-tenant warehouse in Dormagen near Düsseldorf is completely at full capacity an important milestone in the US company’s growth strategy in Germany.
“We see a long runway for growth in the German contract logistics market where demand for increased supply chain efficiency and modernization are driving strong demand for logistics expertise,” said Richard Cawston, Chief Revenue Officer, GXO. “The market’s high demand for modern technology-supported, tailor-made and agile logistics solutions makes GXO an ideal partner for companies operating in Germany.”
The Düsseldorf region is a logistics hotspot in Germany. GXO’s Dormagen site serves customers across a range of industries, including aerospace, food and beverage and consumer goods, with services such as picking, packaging, quality control and package scanning. In addition, GXO’s Dormagen site offers GXO ServiceTech, the industry-leading repair and returns service for consumer electronics. The end-to-end service offering includes repairs, upgrades and refurbishment, data cleansing and secure disposal, customer service call centers, warranty management, warehousing, logistics, accreditation and resale, helping clients achieve their sustainability goals.
GXO în Germania
Germany is a long-term strategic growth market for GXO, and the company plans to significantly expand its activities in the region over the coming years. In addition to its Dormagen site, GXO announced a 20-year partnership with Levi Strauss & Co. to manage operations at a state-of-the-art Germany distribution center in Dorsten, as well as a long-term contract with Tchibo, a leading German retailer and coffee distributor, to operate one of the largest high-bay warehouses in Europe, beginning in March 2025.
GXO has been operating in Central Europe, including Germany, for more than 20 years, serving customers in the e-commerce, fashion, FMCG and DIY sectors. As GXO continues to grow, it remains focused on innovation, sustainability and creating a diverse and inclusive workplace for its employees.
Despre GXO Logistics
GXO logistics, Inc (NYSE: GXO) este cel mai mare furnizor de logistică contractuală din lume, beneficiind de creșterea rapidă a comerțului electronic, automatizării și externalizării. GXO se angajează să ofere un mediu de lucru divers, de clasă mondială, pentru cei 130 000 de angajați din 970 de locații cu aproximativ 18,5 milioane de metri pătrați de spațiu de depozitare. Compania colaborează cu clienți globali pentru a rezolva provocări logistice complexe prin soluții avansate din punct de vedere tehnologic și soluții de comerț electronic pe scară largă, cu implementare rapidă. GXO are sediul central în Greenwich, Connecticut, SUA. Vizitați pentru mai multe informații și urmăriți GXO pe LinkedIn, X, Facebook, Instagram si YouTube.