XPO Logistics, Inc. (NYSE: XPO) announced that Bill Fraine will become the chief commercial officer of GXO Logistics, Inc., the intended spin-off of XPO’s logistics business. He will be responsible for leading GXO’s go-to-market activities, with a focus on aligning growth with long-term value creation, when the planned separation is complete.
Fraine joined XPO in 2011 as head of operations and account management, and currently serves as division president, supply chain – Americas and Asia Pacific. He oversaw the integration of several XPO acquisitions and restructured the businesses in North America by customer vertical. Prior to joining XPO, Fraine spent 23 years with FedEx, progressing from front-line handler to head of sales.
From day one, GXO is set to operate with a robust list of customers, including 30% of the companies in the Fortune 100. Fraine will oversee all facets of GXO’s sales strategy in key verticals including e-commerce, retail, apparel and consumer technology.
Brad Jacobs, chairman and chief executive officer, said, “Bill has all the qualities of a first-rate CCO – and the resume to back it up. I’m excited to see him lead GXO’s efforts to bolster long-term relationships with existing customers, as well as add new business from other blue-chip companies.”
As previously announced, XPO expects to spin off its logistics business as a separate, publicly traded company in the second half of 2021. As the second largest contract logistics provider in the world, GXO will be well-positioned to capitalize on major tailwinds of e-commerce expansion, customer demand for logistics automation and a burgeoning trend toward supply chain outsourcing. The business currently includes approximately 890 logistics locations in 27 countries.
About XPO Logistics
XPO Logistics, Inc. (NYSE: XPO) is a top ten global logistics provider of cutting-edge supply chain solutions to the most successful companies in the world. The company operates as a highly integrated network of people, technology and physical assets in 30 countries, with 1,629 locations and more than 100,000 employees. XPO uses its network to help more than 50,000 customers manage their goods most efficiently throughout their supply chains. XPO’s corporate headquarters are in Greenwich, Conn., USA, and its European headquarters are in Lyon, France. Visit xpo.com for more information, and connect with XPO on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram și YouTube.
Forward-looking Statements
Acest comunicat de presă include declarații anticipative în sensul Secțiunii 27A din Securities Act of 1933, cu modificările ulterioare, și al Secțiunii 21E din Securities Exchange Act of 1934, cu modificările ulterioare. Toate declarațiile, altele decât cele referitoare la fapte istorice, sunt sau pot fi considerate declarații prospective, inclusiv obiectivul nostru de a reduce TRIR în cadrul operațiunilor noastre din America și Asia-Pacific și LTIR în cadrul operațiunilor noastre din Marea Britanie și Europa. În unele cazuri, declarațiile cu caracter previzional pot fi identificate prin utilizarea unor termeni cu caracter previzional, cum ar fi "anticipa", "estima", "crede", "continuă", "ar putea", "intenționează", "poate", "planifică", "potențial", "prezice", "ar trebui", "va", "se așteaptă", "obiectiv", "proiecție", "prognoză", "scop", "îndrumare", "perspectivă", "efort", "țintă", "traiectorie" sau forma negativă a acestor termeni sau alți termeni comparabili. Cu toate acestea, absența acestor cuvinte nu înseamnă că declarațiile nu sunt prospective. Aceste declarații prospective se bazează pe anumite ipoteze și analize făcute de companie în lumina experienței sale și a percepției sale asupra tendințelor istorice, a condițiilor actuale și a evoluțiilor viitoare preconizate, precum și pe alți factori pe care compania îi consideră adecvați în aceste circumstanțe.
These forward-looking statements are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and assumptions that may cause actual results, levels of activity, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, levels of activity, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Factors that might cause or contribute to a material difference include the risks discussed in our filings with the SEC and the following: economic conditions generally; the severity, magnitude, duration and aftereffects of the COVID-19 pandemic and government responses to the COVID-19 pandemic; our ability to align our investments in capital assets, including equipment, service centers and warehouses, to our customers’ demands; our ability to implement our cost and revenue initiatives; our ability to successfully integrate and realize anticipated synergies, cost savings and profit improvement opportunities with respect to acquired companies; matters related to our intellectual property rights; fluctuations in currency exchange rates; fuel price and fuel surcharge changes; natural disasters, terrorist attacks or similar incidents; risks and uncertainties regarding the potential timing and expected benefits of the proposed spin-off of our logistics segment, including final approval for the proposed spin-off and the risk that the spin-off may not be completed on the terms or timeline currently contemplated, if at all; the impact of the proposed spin-off on the size and business diversity of our company; the ability of the proposed spin-off to qualify for tax-free treatment for U.S. federal income tax purposes; our ability to develop and implement suitable information technology systems and prevent failures in or breaches of such systems; our substantial indebtedness; our ability to raise debt and equity capital; fluctuations in fixed and floating interest rates; our ability to maintain positive relationships with our network of third-party transportation providers; our ability to attract and retain qualified drivers; labor matters, including our ability to manage our subcontractors, and risks associated with labor disputes at our customers and efforts by labor organizations to organize our employees; litigation, including litigation related to alleged misclassification of independent contractors and securities class actions; risks associated with our self-insured claims; risks associated with defined benefit plans for our current and former employees; and governmental regulation, including trade compliance laws, as well as changes in international trade policies and tax regimes; governmental or political actions, including the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union; and competition and pricing pressures.
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