Archivio delle news

Safety at Heart
Malcolm Wilson, Chief Executive Officer–Europe | April 28, 2021
Malcolm Wilson riflette sull'impegno di XPO per la sicurezza nella Giornata Mondiale per la Sicurezza e la Salute sul lavoro

La capacità della tecnologia di cambiare la supply chain
Alessandro Renzo, Operations Director, Supply Chain – Italy | April 8, 2021
Per adeguare i magazzini e gestire i resi in crescita, servono soluzioni digitali per rimanere al passo

XPO’s Works Towards Sustainability Through Returns Recycling
Richard Cawston President, Supply Chain Logistics – Europe | March 18, 2021
On World Recycling Day, Richard Cawston describes our commitment to returns recycling

Scegliere la strada più impegnativa
Josephine Berisha, Chief Human Resources Officer | March 8, 2021
Josephine Berisha celebrates women’s essential role at XPO on International Women’s Day

Le iniziative benefiche di XPO durante l’emergenza COVID-19
Malcolm Wilson, Chief Executive Officer–Europe | March 3, 2021
Malcolm Wilson condivide l'impegno di XPO verso le comunità in tutta Europa durante l'emergenza COVID-19

Prepararsi al Black Friday più digitale di sempre
Rui Marques, Managing Director, Supply Chain – Iberia | November 20, 2020
50 milioni di colli saranno spediti ai consumatori durante il tradizionale periodo festivo

Lasciare un segno - Campagna XPO per il rispetto dell'ambiente
Malcolm Wilson, Chief Executive Officer–Europe | October 12, 2020
Un grande grazie a tutti per la loro partecipazione e le loro idee che aiutano la nostra azienda, le nostre comunità e l'ambiente.

Brits Focus on Home Improvements during the Pandemic, Retailers turn to E-Commerce Sales
Gavin Williams, Managing Director, Supply Chain – UK & Ireland | August 4, 2020
Brits Focus on Home Improvements during the Pandemic

As Consumers Turn to DIY Services, Beauty Brands Must Evolve and Adapt
Sarah Booth, Account Director, Supply Chain UK & Ireland | July 15, 2020
the post-pandemic future for brands will revolve around their digital and distribution strategies

LGBTQ+ per un XPO migliore
Brad Jacobs, Chief Executive Officer | June 22, 2020
Alla comunità LGBTQ+: siete i benvenuti in XPO

Intelligent Robotics Help Keep Our Employees Safe
Phil Shaw, Divisional Operations Director, Supply Chain – Europe | June 8, 2020
Phil Shaw’s thoughts about safety and robotics

Webinar: Covid-19 and the Revolution of Fashion Supply Chain
Greenwich, USA | Mag 20, 2020
Our speakers shared their insights on how to anticipate the changing needs and supply chain innovations