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GXO unlocks growth for luxury retailer Beauty Pie

Greenwich, USA  |  Říjen 23, 2024

GXO Beauty Pie

GXO has distributed almost 4 million makeup and skincare products to Beauty Pie customers across the UK

GXO Logistics, Inc. (NYSE: GXO), the world’s largest pure-play contract logistics provider, celebrated its first year providing order fulfillment services for Beauty Pie, a luxury cosmetics retailer, following its acquisition of PFSweb (PFS).

In Q3 2023, Beauty Pie partnered with GXO to provide order fulfillment, carrier and business management, and value-added services, including gift card messaging and personalization for luxury goods consumers. Since then, GXO has distributed more than 970,000 Beauty Pie orders across the UK, totaling almost 4 million products.

“Beauty Pie has achieved incredible success and continues to disrupt this highly competitive market. We are proud to be their partner for order fulfillment solutions and to ensure that Beauty Pie has the most effective logistics operations for its continued growth, said Gavin Williams, Managing Director, UK and Ireland, GXO. “Through our acquisition of PFS, we have diversified our offering to bolster our specialist high-end fulfillment services to the cosmetic and luxury goods markets. We enable companies to provide outstanding customer service which drives more brand loyalty.”

As part of the partnership, GXO also supported the beauty brand in transitioning to a new warehouse space in Fareham. Utilising GXO’s shared warehousing space, Beauty Pie is now able to build on its momentum with confidence knowing that it has a partner committed to its ongoing growth.

“We needed a fulfillment and logistics provider with global omnichannel experience in the beauty industry, and we have found a great partner in GXO,” said Robin Watkins, from Beauty Pie. “The hands-on team at GXO has helped Beauty Pie elevate its brand by providing an outstanding consumer experience while managing seasonal spikes and on-trend beauty moments when they emerge. They’ve unlocked our growth potential and our customers are benefitting greatly.”

O společnosti GXO Logistics 

Společnost GXO Logistics, Inc. (NYSE: GXO) je největším světovým poskytovatelem smluvní logistiky a těží z rychlého růstu elektronického obchodování, automatizace a outsourcingu. Společnost GXO se zavázala poskytovat rozmanité pracoviště světové úrovně pro více než 130 000 členů týmu ve více než 970 zařízeních o celkové rozloze přibližně 200 milionů čtverečních stop. Společnost spolupracuje s předními světovými společnostmi na řešení složitých logistických výzev pomocí technologicky vyspělých řešení dodavatelského řetězce a elektronického obchodování, a to ve velkém měřítku a rychle. Sídlo společnosti GXO je v Greenwichi, Connecticut, USA. Pro více informací navštivte GXO.com pro více informací a spojte se s GXO na  LinkedIn, X, Facebook, InstagramaYouTube.

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