Diversity First recognizes GXO for increasing “awareness of the value of diversity, equity, and inclusion for social change”
GXO Logistics, Inc. (NYSE: GXO), the world’s largest pure-play contract logistics provider, announced today that it has been named by Diversity First among the top 50 U.S. companies recognized for demonstrating “exceptional scores in the area of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging.”
“I’m proud of our exceptional team, which has done so much to raise awareness of the value of diversity, inclusion and belonging at GXO,” said Letitia King James, Vice President of Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging, GXO. “We talk with all our stakeholders about the ‘GXO Difference,’ and an important part of that difference is our company-wide commitment to making GXO a great place to work. This recognition from Diversity First affirms we are making excellent progress in our efforts to ensure that all our team members feel they belong and that they are able to realize their full potential, personally and professionally, at GXO.”
Of the distinguished organizations on its list, Dennis Kennedy, Founder and Chair of Diversity First, said they have “increased awareness of the value of diversity, equity, and inclusion for social change.”
According to Diversity First, the Top 50 Companies for Diversity earned the highest scores from the U.S. Fortune 500 Corporate Governance Report, which evaluates executive and board demographics and assesses ethnic and gender demographics based on U.S. Census Data.
GXO’s Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) objectives are embedded throughout its business and are reflected in its core value to “Be Inclusive.” The company takes great pride in its Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging programs and the opportunities they create, including paths to employment for people who may have been under-represented historically in the workforce. For example, GXO works closely with organizations to recruit military veterans and people with disabilities to become members of its diverse and inclusive team.
O společnosti GXO Logistics
GXO Logistics, Inc. (NYSE: GXO) je největším světovým poskytovatelem smluvní logistiky na světě, který těží z rychlého růstu e-commerce, automatizace a outsourcingu. Společnost GXO s přibližně 130 tisíci zaměstnanci působí ve více než 950 logistických centrech o celkové ploše čítající téměř 20 milionů metrů čtverečních. Společnost spolupracuje s předními světovými tzv. blue chip společnostmi na zvládnutí složitých logistických výzev pomocí technologicky vyspělých řešení dodavatelského řetězce a velkých projektů v oblasti e-commerce. Sídlo společnosti GXO je ve městě Greenwich, ve státě Connecticut, v USA. Navštivte GXO.com pro více informací a spojte se s GXO na LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram a YouTube.